1) Content
The information contained on Royale-Games is for general informational purposes only. The sole purpose of the website is to promote indie developers and artists and their work. Our site does not own any of the products featured unless otherwise stated. Information, links, images, texts and third party links to these products are freely and easily available on the Internet. All thanks are due to the respected authors, developers and publishers.
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Some may consider the content featured on Royale-Games to be of an adult nature and not suitable for minors. We do not encourage the use of Royale-Games by underaged individuals. If you are under the legal age of your country, please leave the website and don’t use the service.
5) Taboo content
Some of the featured content on Royale-Games may contain references to taboo or forbidden (in some countries) genres. The featured content on Royale-Games is purely fiction of art. It does not include real people or represent real events. We believe in freedom of speech and liberty of all arts, thus those kinds of genres and terms are allowed to exist in our databases. Please note that we do not support nor endorse acts of violence against women, children, animals or any living being. We are strictly against child pornography, abuse, rape and any other kind of acts that are in conflict with civilized morals and state laws. If you feel offended in any way by a featured item, please contact the respected developer and/or publisher and express your concerns.